Hi all,<br><br>I'm sorry if these questions shouldn't be asked here but I'm a bit lost :<br>I currently have a kind of IaaS which works, that is to say 3 nodes (with kvm hypervisor) monitoring by OpenNebula 1.4 helped by the onemc management console (1.0.1). We can say that I have a basic private cloud compute service. Therefore I want to reach the next step, that is to say :<br>
- A service enabling to attach storage volume to an vm instance (like the walrus module of eucalyptus, I guess)<br>What I want to build is a storage Infrastructure which enable to store files, with authentification, encryption and autonomic redundancy services, on distributed storage equipment. But I'm a bit lost in wich kind of product I should look for (Hadoop?, GlusterFS, ZFS, CloudStore, CloudLoop, TwistedCloud .... I'm completly lost about the architecture of the cloud storage)<br>
- A service manager such as Claudia<br><br>To sum up : <br>Anyone has already tried to create a Storage service ? Or any body has any idea of what I need to build this ?<br><br>Anyone has already tried to use Claudia ? with open nebula?<br>
<br>Is another Service manager based on OCCI ?<br><br>I'm looking for ideas ...<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br> Thanks a lot to the open nebula developpers, this an owesome project !<br>-- <br>Florian Chazal<br>