Hi,<br>Here is the Scenario:<br>We had quad Core processor.<br>Created 4 VMs with 1 CPU core.<br>I am not able to Install 5th VM.<br>Opennebula dedicating CPU which we are assigning in the configuration file.<br>So, I can install only 4 VMs on it.<br>
To install more I need to redeuce the CPU to some thing like 0.5, 0.6....<br>But I need to assign 1 core for each and i need to install more than 4 VMs.<br><br>We can use same CPU core to more than 1 VM in vmware,XEN and KVM(without using Opennebula).<br>
<br clear="all">Thanks<br>-- <br>Suresh Reddy Chatla<br>