Hi:<br>I'm trying to install OpenNebula in three hosts, just following the "Quick Start Guide". After having some problems with the NIS server, I read in a message on this list that it was also possible to create a "oneadmin" account on each node, with the same uid and gid. I did this, and also made the account on the server trusted to the other two nodes (via ssh - no password).<br>
So, when I start OpenNebula, the onehost list command shows this:<br><br>[oneadmin@pc-GridLab02 gridlab]$ onehost list<br> HID NAME RVM TCPU FCPU ACPU TMEM FMEM STAT<br> 1 pc-GridLab00 0 0 100 err<br>
2 pc-GridLab01 0 0 100 err<br><br>Apart from that, Opennebula tries to connect the two nodes via ssh unsuccessfully, so a large list of:<br><br>The authenticity of host 'pc-gridlab01 (XXX)' can't be established.<br>
RSA key fingerprint is XXXXX<br>Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? <br><br>appears in the screen.<br><br>Which can be the problem?<br>Thanks in advance.<br>