[one-users] Ruby problem Centos 7 pcsd and Opennebula

opennebula at sylconia.nl opennebula at sylconia.nl
Fri Mar 6 01:23:37 PST 2015

Good morning,

I am building a block LVM KVM cluster with 4 machines, but i am having a 
strange problem which keeps me busy for days now, i am using a standard 
Centos 7 server as frontend and Centos 7 nodes with opennebula and 
opennebula-server installed.

software installed

I also installed pcs-0.9.115-32.el7_0.1.x86_64 to use clvmd en dlm locks 
on the opennebula nodes and frontend.

Now the problem i am facing i have installed pcsd (ruby) and opennebula 
(ruby) on the same machine, when i install rack and sinatra via gems as 
ordered by the install in the documentation the psc daemon binds only to 
the localhost interface. If i uninstall sinatra and rack then the psc 
daemon listens as ordered via the config file on all interfaces but 
opennebula won't start!

After installing sinatra via gems their are 2 versions of sinatra on the 

So i assume something is "overruling" BindAddress directive in the 
config of pscd on centos 7 when i install the software needed to run 
opennebula. I have tried setting the BindAddress directive in ssl.rb to 
*, nil and :: but nothing fixes the problem also my knowledge of ruby is 
to low to investigate further.

see below howto reproduce this problem
[root at cloudmanager rack-1.6.0]# !lsof
lsof -i | grep ruby
ruby       1368     root    9u  IPv6 1474379      0t0  TCP
localhost:efi-mg (LISTEN)
ruby       1368     root   10u  IPv4 1474380      0t0  TCP 
localhost:efi-mg (LISTEN)
ruby      13803 oneadmin   10u  IPv4  913310      0t0  TCP *:9869 (LISTEN)

[root at cloudmanager rack-1.6.0]# gem uninstall sinatra rack
Successfully uninstalled sinatra-1.4.5
Successfully uninstalled rack-1.6.0

[root at cloudmanager rack-1.6.0]# systemctl restart pcsd.service
[root at cloudmanager rack-1.6.0]# !lsof
lsof -i | grep ruby
ruby       4377     root    9u  IPv4 1739444      0t0  TCP *:efi-mg (LISTEN)

ruby      13803 oneadmin   10u  IPv4  913310      0t0  TCP *:9869 (LISTEN)

[root at cloudmanager tmp]# gem install sinatra
Successfully installed rack-1.6.0
Successfully installed sinatra-1.4.5

[root at cloudmanager tmp]# systemctl restart pcsd.service

[root at cloudmanager tmp]# !lsof
lsof -i | grep ruby
ruby       4551     root    9u  IPv6 1740682      0t0  TCP 
localhost:efi-mg (LISTEN)
ruby       4551     root   10u  IPv4 1740683      0t0  TCP 
localhost:efi-mg (LISTEN)
ruby      13803 oneadmin   10u  IPv4  913310      0t0  TCP *:9869 (LISTEN)

Any tips how i can solve this problem?


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