[one-users] Sponsorship Opportunities for OpenNebulaConf 2014

Tino Vazquez cvazquez at c12g.com
Fri Sep 5 05:45:16 PDT 2014

Dear OpenNebula users,

Last year, we launched the very first OpenNebula Conf in Berlin
Germany. At our debut, we could welcome an international audience of
people from 12 different countries, had experts from companies like
BBC, the European Space Agency (ESA) or Centos and could offer three
fully packed days of tutorials, workshops and talks about OpenNebula
to our guests.

This year, the OpenNebula Conf will take place again at the
cosmopolitan city of Berlin and we would like you to be part of it!

Alongside with our partner LINUX Magazine, covering the events
international media marketing, we want you to be part of our team of
sponsors and profit from OpenNebula Conf’s popularity as a supporter
of the event.

Are you interested? Check out the benefits of becoming a sponsor in
this blog post:


The OpenNebula Team

OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple

Constantino Vázquez Blanco, PhD, MSc
Senior Infrastructure Architect at C12G Labs
www.c12g.com | @C12G | es.linkedin.com/in/tinova

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