[one-users] reupload RBD images

Matthew Richardson m.richardson at ed.ac.uk
Fri Jan 17 01:46:01 PST 2014

On 17/01/14 04:23, Kenneth wrote:
> So our frontend crashed yesterday and I can't recover any of data from it.
> All images are saved on ceph datastore. Now when I install the new
> frontend, I know that the sunstone GUI will be empty, how can I reupload
> the images from the ceph RBD?

I'm not sure what opennebula will do if there is already a ceph rbd
image with the name that it wants to use when creating a new image -
however there is a safe, if a bit more laborious way to do it...

1) Rename all the images in ceph for safety before you start:
rbd mv one-1 one-1-orig

2) Create new images from opennebula, using the same specs you used to
create the original ones.  You should now see 'one-1' etc in ceph. It
doesn't matter what the images contain (i.e. they can be empty) but you
should make sure to create them with the same name, type, size,
persistence etc.

3) Stop opennebula to prevent any more changes

4) Delete the empty images in ceph (Make sure you're not deleting the
originals here!):
rbd rm one-1

5) Move the original images back to the corresponding names:
rbd mv one-1-orig one-1

6) Restart opennebula

Hope this helps!


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