[one-users] Let a user install its own VM

Christophe Duez christophe.duez at student.uantwerpen.be
Fri Apr 4 01:06:46 PDT 2014

Hello all,
Is there a way to use the an ISO of CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian or Windows and
let a user install its own VM from scratch.
I would like to do that instead of giving the user the choices between pre
installed versions of above OS's.
Is there a way to do this? Or how can I do this?

Kind regards,
Duez Christophe
Student at University of Antwerp :
Master of Industrial Sciences: Electronics-ICT

E christophe.duez at student.uantwperen.be
L linkedin duez-christophe<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/duez-christophe/74/7/39>
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