[one-users] Cloud bursting from OpenNebula to EC2

Francesco Ceccarelli ceccarel at fnal.gov
Tue Sep 24 14:40:20 PDT 2013

Hello everyone,
I managed to burst an instance in EC2 using the following template and

#VCPU   = 1
#MEMORY = 2048

OS     =  [ ARCH = x86_64 ]
DISK   =  [ IMAGE_ID = 5,
             target = vda ]

DISK   = [
  type     = swap,
  size     = 5120,
  target   = vdb ]

FEATURES=[ acpi="yes" ]

  type    = "vnc", 
  listen  = "",
  port    = "-1",
  autoport = "yes",
  keymap="en-us" ]


EC2 = [ AMI="ami-0027ae30",
        AUTHORIZED_PORTS="22" ]

But the same template is not working in ONE4.2 because the DISK section
triggers the transfer manager and the machine falls in the FAILED
status. Do you know why?

Thanks in advance,

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