[one-users] Unix contextualization

Michael Curran michael.curran at connectsolutions.com
Tue Sep 17 12:21:13 PDT 2013

I am looking at the following pieces for contextualization

-          init.sh

-          context paramters

I see where to put the context pieces , but where do I put in the ability to execute init.sh during boot of the VM?

Do I need to create a script that executes during boot of the OS that executes init.sh on system instantiation ?? Could I make it more complex so that my changes are permanent in /etc/network/interfaces  (using Ubuntu here)

Also, the  difference I see when I am loading CONTEXT settings for Windows I use this


But the context page shows

Files="/var/tmp/init.sh /var/tmp/id_dsa.pub"

Either way its just copying the file for the contextualization? The 2nd is a reference to a file on the ON host?

Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com<http://www.connectsolutions.com>

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