[one-users] Lecture about OpenNebula

Daniel Dehennin daniel.dehennin at baby-gnu.org
Tue Oct 15 03:05:02 PDT 2013


I'm making a 20mn slideshow about OpenNebula at my work.

I want to begin with history of the project and would like to reproduce
your timeline[1].

Is it possible to get a vectorial version to include in my LaTeX beamer,
and under which license (the web one have no exiv license data).

Do you have some materials for the obvious question I'll asked:

  Why not choose OpenStack?

I have my own answer: I did not manage to setup one and OpenNebula can
be installed on a standalone server.

But do you have any point for common pitfalls?


[1]  http://opennebula.org/_detail/timeline.png

Daniel Dehennin
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