[one-users] My new setup for private cloud

Alberto Zuin - Liste liste at albertozuin.eu
Tue Mar 19 05:58:51 PDT 2013

Just to share my experience.
 From the beginning of my experience with OpenNebula, I made some 
changes in storage technology and now I found a solution that works 
pretty well for my necessities.
First: there isn't an "always ok" solution, every solution works in a 
particular situation. My situation is, simply, a budget situation where 
the pourpose is saving money and have a solution that can fit my I/O 
load necessity.
In my private cloud, I have 5 KVM servers and a total of 20-30 VM: some 
are computational only VM (mail scanner, DNS, ecc.), some are I/O 
intensive (MySQL server for LAMP, Syslog server, ecc.): the seconds are 
the problem because the previous solutions didn't fits the I/O necessities.
My first solution was a storage server made with linux that exports an 
(c)LVM disk via AoE (just because has less overhead than iSCSI): the 
load of the server was very high and the I/O throughput not fast. Ok, 
the lesson I learned: if you have to make a shared storage, don't use a 
commodity server, use an optimized one with high speed disks, powerful 
controllers, 10GB Ethernet... or simply, buy a FC SAN ;-)
My second test was with a cluster storage with MooseFS: here I had 
conflicting results. I have a customer with a well working setup with 10 
storage server and 10 XEN Hypervisors; in my private cloud, with only 3 
storage server (one master and two chunk) the I/O is slow as the first 
solution: no benefit from using two server to balance the I/O load, and 
2 1 Gb Ethernet card in bonding is another bottleneck. The lesson I 
learned here: to have a powerful cluster storage you have to use many 
My third (last) setup that work pretty well is... to not use only one 
shared storage, but distribute the storage across the hypervisors.
I thought of a thing: my old hypervisors are some Dell R410 with 2 
quad-core CPU and 32 GB Ram; if I can fit in a Rack 1U cabinet, 2 
Mini-ITX Motherboard with a Core i7 (not perfectly like the Xeon of R410 
but not too far) and 16 GB Ram... it's the same. And if I can fit also 4 
high speed disk like WD Velociraptor for the data and two SSD disk for 
SO, I can use DRBD in Active/Active mode with cLVM or GFS2 to have a 
decent storage in HA for the VMs instantiated in this "double-server".
Now I have 4 mini-itx double server each with this configuration; in 
OpenNebula, each double-server is a separate "cluster" and the DRBD disk 
is the datastore associated with the cluster.
Certainly I can't migrate a VM across two cluster, but at the moment 
this solution fits pretty well my speed necessity, the costs of each 
"double-server" are less than a real 1U server and the power consumption 
in datacenter decreased.
My 2 cents,

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