[one-users] Something about datablock image

song song.gao at venusource.com
Sat Jun 8 02:19:24 PDT 2013

Hello everyone:

Now I am testing datablock image,Documents say this type of image " is a
storage for data, which can be accessed

and modified from different Virtual Machines. This images can be created
from previous existing data, or as an empty


But after I attach a datablock image either in the vm template or using
command "onevm attachdisk",I must

repartition it(eg.the image appear /dev/sda in the vm OS,then I must
"fdisk /dev/sda" and then "mkfs.ext4

/dev/sda1"),then all data will be lost,THEN this is the question ,how we
use a datablock image.
Any help will be appreciated!

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