[one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula

Michael Curran michael.curran at connectsolutions.com
Mon Jul 15 10:35:41 PDT 2013

I made that change, and when I boot the VM -- I cannot view the console - although it appears to boot and be running 

VM creation looks normal in oned.log, I have attached the 27.log for this VM

Mon Jul 15 09:26:53 2013 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 clone: Cloning /vmfs/volumes/1/eb7a0ad719304e30db5302fc6951f83c in

Mon Jul 15 09:26:53 2013 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 ExitCode: 0

Mon Jul 15 09:26:54 2013 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 context: Generating context block device at

Mon Jul 15 09:26:54 2013 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 ExitCode: 0

Mon Jul 15 09:26:54 2013 [TM][D]: Message received: TRANSFER SUCCESS 27 -

Mon Jul 15 09:26:55 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 ExitCode: 0

Mon Jul 15 09:26:55 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 Successfully execute network driver operation: pre.

Mon Jul 15 09:26:56 2013 [AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1754 ExitCode: 0

Mon Jul 15 09:26:56 2013 [AuM][I]: ExitCode: 0
Mon Jul 15 09:26:56 2013 [AuM][D]: Message received: AUTHENTICATE SUCCESS 1754 -

Mon Jul 15 09:26:56 2013 [ReM][D]: Req:7008 UID:0 GroupPoolInfo invoked
Mon Jul 15 09:26:56 2013 [ReM][D]: Req:7008 UID:0 GroupPoolInfo result SUCCESS, "<GROUP_POOL><GROUP><..."
Mon Jul 15 09:27:03 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG D 27 deploy: Successfully defined domain one-27.

Mon Jul 15 09:27:03 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 ExitCode: 0

Mon Jul 15 09:27:03 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 Successfully execute virtualization driver operation: deploy.

Mon Jul 15 09:27:03 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 ExitCode: 0

Mon Jul 15 09:27:03 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 27 Successfully execute network driver operation: post.

Mon Jul 15 09:27:03 2013 [VMM][D]: Message received: DEPLOY SUCCESS 27 one-27

Mon Jul 15 09:27:07 2013 [ReM][D]: Req:768 UID:0 AclInfo invoked
Mon Jul 15 09:27:07 2013 [ReM][D]: Req:768 UID:0 AclInfo result SUCCESS, "<ACL_POOL><ACL><ID>0..."
Mon Jul 15 09:27:08 2013 [ReM][D]: Req:8736 UID:0 HostPoolInfo invoked
Mon Jul 15 09:27:08 2013 [ReM][D]: Req:8736 UID:0 HostPoolInfo result SUCCESS, "<HOST_POOL><HOST><ID..."
Mon Jul 15 09:27:09 2013 [VMM][I]: Monitoring VM 27.

Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Tino Vazquez [mailto:cvazquez at c12g.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:51 AM
To: Michael Curran
Cc: Users OpenNebula
Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula

Hi Michael,

My guess will be that the VM needs to have explicitly declared to have a pci bridge, which OpenNebula doesn't do by default. This scenario will be handled more gracefully in the upcoming OpenNebula 4.2, with the ability to enable pcibridge directly from the FEATURES section.

Meanwhile, you can try to set the following in your VM template:

DATA_VMX="pciBridge0.present = \"TRUE\"\npciBridge4.present = \"TRUE\"\npciBridge4.virtualDev = \"pcieRootPort\"\npciBridge4.functions = \"8\"\npciBridge5.present = \"TRUE\"\npciBridge5.virtualDev = \"pcieRootPort\"\npciBridge5.functions = \"8\"\npciBridge6.present = \"TRUE\"\npciBridge6.virtualDev = \"pcieRootPort\"\npciBridge6.functions = \"8\"\npciBridge7.present = \"TRUE\"\npciBridge7.virtualDev = \"pcieRootPort\"\npciBridge7.functions = \"8\"\nvmci0.present = \"TRUE\"", TYPE="vmware" ]


Constantino Vázquez Blanco, PhD, MSc
Senior Infrastructure Architect at C12G Labs www.c12g.com | @C12G | es.linkedin.com/in/tinova

Confidentiality Warning: The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents, unless otherwise expressly indicated, is confidential and privileged, and is intended solely for the person and/or entity to whom it is addressed (i.e. those identified in the "To" and "cc" box). They are the property of C12G Labs S.L..
Unauthorized distribution, review, use, disclosure, or copying of this communication, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail at abuse at c12g.com and delete the e-mail and attachments and any copy from your system. C12G thanks you for your cooperation.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Michael Curran <michael.curran at connectsolutions.com> wrote:
> Files attached , the pciSlotNumber is -1 , which seems a little odd -- 
> although changing it to 64 didn't fix it when I powered up the VM
> New VM Ethernet definition
> /vmfs/volumes/51da424d-d8b7ccdb-e9bb-00248188435a/26/disk.0 # grep ether one-26.
> vmx
> ethernet0.present = "true"
> ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
> ethernet0.networkName = "VM Network"
> ethernet0.connectionType = "bridged"
> ethernet0.addressType = "static"
> ethernet0.address = "02:00:c0:a8:fb:07"
> ethernet0.checkMACAddress = "false"
> ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "-1"               <-----------------------------------
> Starting VM Ethernet definitions
> /vmfs/volumes/4bffc343-4be7faba-2f7f-00248188432e/Windows Clean # grep 
> ether Win dows\ Clean.vmx ethernet0.present = "true"
> ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
> ethernet0.networkName = "VM Network"
> ethernet0.addressType = "vpx"
> ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:50:56:a6:4a:54"
> ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "32"      <-------------------------------------------------
> ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"
> ethernet0.startConnected = "TRUE"
> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect Phone 
> 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tino Vazquez [mailto:cvazquez at c12g.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:14 AM
> To: Michael Curran
> Cc: Ruben S. Montero; Users OpenNebula
> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
> Hi Michael,
> Could you send us two .vmx files:
>   * one corresponding to a VM showing correctly the NICs to the guest OS
>   * another corresponding to a VM created by ONE where the guest OS 
> cannot recognize the NIC
> Regards,
> -Tino
> --
> Constantino Vázquez Blanco, PhD, MSc
> Senior Infrastructure Architect at C12G Labs www.c12g.com | @C12G | 
> es.linkedin.com/in/tinova
> --
> Confidentiality Warning: The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents, unless otherwise expressly indicated, is confidential and privileged, and is intended solely for the person and/or entity to whom it is addressed (i.e. those identified in the "To" and "cc" box). They are the property of C12G Labs S.L..
> Unauthorized distribution, review, use, disclosure, or copying of this communication, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail at abuse at c12g.com and delete the e-mail and attachments and any copy from your system. C12G thanks you for your cooperation.
> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Michael Curran <michael.curran at connectsolutions.com> wrote:
>> Including a screenshot to show the ESX HW settings are correct for 
>> the NIC as well
>> Does anyone else have this issues?
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org] On Behalf Of Michael 
>> Curran
>> Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:21 AM
>> To: Ruben S. Montero
>> Cc: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> This is what my vswitch and portgroups look like in ESX
>> oneadmin at u-cmh-neb-dev01:~$ vicfg-vswitch --username=oneadmin 
>> --password=XXXXXX --server --list
>> Switch Name     Num Ports       Used Ports      Configured Ports    MTU
>> Uplinks
>> vSwitch0        128             5               128                 1500
>> vmnic0
>>    PortGroup Name                VLAN ID   Used Ports      Uplinks
>>    VM Network                    0         1               vmnic0
>>    Management Network            0         1               vmnic0
>> Switch Name     Num Ports       Used Ports      Configured Ports    MTU
>> Uplinks
>> vSwitch1        128             5               128                 1500
>> vmnic1
>>    PortGroup Name                VLAN ID   Used Ports      Uplinks
>>    OpenNebula                    0         2               vmnic1
>> oneadmin at u-cmh-neb-dev01:~$
>> This is what my host settings look like
>> oneadmin at u-cmh-neb-dev01:~$ onehost show 10
>> ID                    : 10
>> NAME                  :
>> CLUSTER               : production
>> STATE                 : MONITORED
>> IM_MAD                : vmware
>> VM_MAD                : vmware
>> VN_MAD                : dummy
>> LAST MONITORING TIME  : 07/14 06:08:36
>> TOTAL MEM             : 40G
>> USED MEM (REAL)       : 0K
>> TOTAL CPU             : 800
>> USED CPU (REAL)       : 0
>> RUNNING VMS           : 1
>> CPUSPEED="2833"
>> FREECPU="800"
>> FREEMEMORY="41940868"
>> HYPERVISOR="vmware"
>> TOTALCPU="800"
>> TOTALMEMORY="41940868"
>> WILDS="Name, i-cmh-prd-vc51"
>>     ID USER     GROUP    NAME            STAT UCPU    UMEM HOST
>>     25 oneadmin oneadmin u-cmh-win-dev10 runn    0      0K 192.168.25   1d
>> 10h10
>> This is what my network setup looks like
>> oneadmin at u-cmh-neb-dev01:~$ onevnet show 1
>> ID             : 1
>> NAME           : Private
>> USER           : oneadmin
>> GROUP          : oneadmin
>> CLUSTER        : production
>> TYPE           : RANGED
>> BRIDGE         : VM Network
>> VLAN           : Yes
>> USED LEASES    : 1
>> OWNER          : um-
>> GROUP          : ---
>> OTHER          : ---
>> DNS=""
>> IP_START       :
>> IP_END         :
>> LEASE=[ MAC="02:00:c0:a8:fb:07", IP="", 
>> IP6_LINK="fe80::400:c0ff:fea8:fb07", USED="1", VID="26" ]
>>     ID USER     GROUP    NAME            STAT UCPU    UMEM HOST
>>     26 oneadmin oneadmin u-cmh-win-dev11 prol    0      0K 192.168.25   0d
>> 00h05
>> oneadmin at u-cmh-neb-dev01:~$
>> The windows VM boots up, and looking at the edit settings in vSphere 
>> , for the created host one-26 , I see an e1000 NIC with the MAC created above.
>> However when I log into the OS, it says no network card detected
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: Ruben S. Montero [mailto:rsmontero at opennebula.org]
>> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 7:05 PM
>> To: Michael Curran
>> Cc: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> Hi Michael
>> Just to double check. Could it be that the name of the vSwitch/port 
>> groups in your ESX are not properly set in the Virtual Network 
>> template in opennebula?.
>> You should be able to use the dummy drivers as long as the BRIDGE 
>> attribute of the virtual network matches an existing **port group** 
>> in the ESX's. I guess that if you try to add a NIC to a non exisiting 
>> port group it does not show up in the guest?
>> If you want to use the dynamic mode (vmware network) the BRIDGE is 
>> the
>> **vSwitch** name in the ESX, where a dynamic port group will be created.
>> Cheers
>> Ruben
>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 10:48 PM, Michael Curran 
>> <michael.curran at connectsolutions.com> wrote:
>> Spoke too soon ---
>> Yes the NIC is now visible to the OS, but it is no longer trying to 
>> join the VM Network , and is instead trying to create a one-pg-3 (for
>> network3) which does not exist on the ESXi hosts
>> I would assume this means it cannot create a virtual network on the 
>> ESX hosts, and using the dummy network definition adds the NIC on the 
>> already created virtual network
>> But as noted in previous comments - there is no ability to find the 
>> NIC with the dummy network defined
>> Hoping there is information about not being able to create the 
>> network in the ESXi hosts that could resolve this.
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: Michael Curran
>> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 3:42 PM
>> To: Michael Curran; Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: RE: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> When setting up the networks, I was following some steps for DHCP 
>> that suggested using the Dummy driver for networking and vmware with 
>> dhcp
>> I removed the hosts from the cluster and re-added them , but defined 
>> the network as vmware and now it recognizes the network card!!
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org] On Behalf Of Michael 
>> Curran
>> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 2:38 PM
>> To: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> Hello again,
>> As noted below I can clone a windows VMDK - and buid it with an e1000 
>> network card attached (screenshots showing the HW attached in vSphere
>> attached)
>> I tried to modify the clone image to have the drivers from Intel® Pro 
>> 1000/MT on the file, but they don't install because they don't find 
>> the network card attached
>> See screen shots for what the network card looks like on a clean VM 
>> clone
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org] On Behalf Of Michael 
>> Curran
>> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 9:43 AM
>> To: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> Hello -
>> I found that the NIC definition goes into the onetemplate template 
>> settings that I am using and it is now adding the NIC to the hardware 
>> as e1000
>> However when the Windows VM boots - it does not see ANY hardware 
>> NIC's
>> I have tried the following steps
>> ·         Removed NIC and RE-added via vSphere
>> ·         Re-installed vmwaretools (it is already installed in the cloned
>> VM, but couldn't hurt)
>> ·         Removed NIC and Re-added it again via vSphere
>> Still no luck in finding the hardware NIC inside the VM - any one 
>> else experience this issue?
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: Michael Curran
>> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:48 PM
>> To: Michael Curran
>> Cc: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: RE: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> I tried to use this template to build a VM with a Network NIC -
>> Does this look correct for NIC assignment within VMware?
>> NAME="myvm-win"
>> CPU=1
>> MEMORY=512
>> DISK=[ IMAGE_ID=13 ]
>> NIC=[NETWORK_ID="1",MODEL="E1000"]
>> Has anyone else done NIC assignments with Windows Deployments in 
>> Vmware? I can get the Windows VM up and running ,  the NIC shows up 
>> in the settings (as flexible) with the sunstone GUI
>> But when I open the VM it has no NIC's inside of it? I choose the 
>> dummy network driver - maybe that's not what I needed?
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org] On Behalf Of Michael 
>> Curran
>> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 12:19 PM
>> To: Carlo Daffara
>> Cc: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> So -
>> I configured a Virtual Network in OpenNebula GUI (sunstone) and it 
>> now adds NIC settings to the Windows VM
>> ethernet0.present = "true"
>> ethernet0.networkName = "VM Network"
>> ethernet0.connectionType = "bridged"
>> ethernet0.addressType = "static"
>> ethernet0.address = "02:00:c0:a8:fb:01"
>> ethernet0.checkMACAddress = "false"
>> But it does not set the
>> ethernet0.virtualDev ="{e1000|vmxnet3|flexible}" so the VM does not 
>> see any NICs
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org] On Behalf Of Carlo 
>> Daffara
>> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 7:14 AM
>> Cc: Users OpenNebula
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> It works exactly like a physical server- if there is network 
>> visibility (same vlan or default bridge) the booted VM will get its address from DHCP.
>> We use this configuration (thus ignoring the opennebula-assigned IP) 
>> in several customers' networks, especially when the VM cones from 
>> virtualization of user desktops.
>> Cheers
>> Carlo Daffara
>> Il giorno 11/lug/2013 12:54, "Michael Curran"
>> <michael.curran at connectsolutions.com> ha scritto:
>> But in that case, I would be assigning IP's to hosts instead of them 
>> booting up and just using DHCP to get the IP address
>> I want to just assign the NIC and let the OS obtain an IP from DHCP 
>> instead, on system boot.
>> Still reading the documentation, but not seeing a method for it yet.
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
>> From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org] On Behalf Of Pentium100
>> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 2:24 AM
>> To: users at lists.opennebula.org
>> Subject: Re: [one-users] DHCP and OpenNebula
>> From what I understand, OpenNebula encodes the IP in the MAC, for 
>> example, the VM with assigned IP would get a MAC 
>> 02:00:0a:00:00:02. Just create an IP:MAC list for the DHCP server and it will work.
>> host a10-0-0-1 { hardware ethernet 02:00:0a:00:00:01; fixed address 
>>; } host a10-0-0-2 { hardware ethernet 02:00:0a:00:00:02; 
>> fixed address; }
>> and so on...
>> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Michael Curran 
>> <michael.curran at connectsolutions.com> wrote:
>> Can I leverage an existing DHCP server to assign IP's to a host , and 
>> just use OpenNebula to assign the NIC?
>> Michael Curran | connectsolutions | Lead Network Architect
>> Phone 614.568.2285 | Mobile 614.403.6320 | www.connectsolutions.com
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>> --
>> Join us at OpenNebulaConf2013 in Berlin, 24-26 September, 2013
>> --
>> Ruben S. Montero, PhD
>> Project co-Lead and Chief Architect
>> OpenNebula - The Open Source Solution for Data Center Virtualization 
>> www.OpenNebula.org | rsmontero at opennebula.org | @OpenNebula
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