[one-users] How to use Ceph/RBD for System Datastore

Campbell, Bill bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
Wed Jul 10 05:44:38 PDT 2013

Not entirely.  You shouldn't need to manually create/mount an RBD for the
system datastore.  Since the system datastore holds the running VM
deployment files (and not necessarily an RBD image, just a reference to it
in the deployment file) then this directory does not necessarily need to
be shared.


Here's what we do:


*         OpenNebula system configured with no special exports/shares.

*         The System datastore is modified to use the SSH transfer manager

*         We modify the SSH transfer manager pre/post migrate scripts (by
default located in /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ssh/) to copy files from the
source host to the destination host prior to migration/delete files on
source after successful migration.


Don't worry about mapping/unmapping RBD volumes.  When creating/importing
images into the Ceph datastore the RBDs should be created at this point.
So long as the Hypervisor nodes can see/interact with the Ceph cluster,
when you deploy the VM it will use the RBD in the cluster for storage (no
files copied/mapped locally, all handled by QEMU).



Here is the pre-migrate script we use (very simple):











ssh $DST mkdir -p /var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID


ssh $SRC scp /var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID/*


exit 0


And the post-migrate script:











ssh $SRC rm -rf /var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID


exit 0



Hope this helps!


From: Jon [mailto:three18ti at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:01 AM
To: Campbell, Bill
Cc: Users OpenNebula
Subject: Re: [one-users] How to use Ceph/RBD for System Datastore


Hey Bill,


Thanks for getting back to me.  


If I'm understanding you correctly, you're basically using the ssh
transfer manager to perform live migrations?

Do you then create/mount one rbd per host?





mount /dev/rbd/rbd/host1-one-system /var/lib/one/datastores/0



mount /dev/rbd/rbd/host2-one-system /var/lib/one/datastores/0


then use the modified ssh drivers to perform the migrations?


I would definitely be interested in learning how you accomplished that.


My other thought was to use CephFS for shared storage.  This would
eliminate the need for a NFS/GlusterFS/CLVM, which is an extra layer of
complexity I would like to avoid.  As I understand it though, CephFS isn't
"ready for prime-time" which gives me pause...  


Thanks again,

Jon A

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Campbell, Bill
<bcampbell at axcess-financial.com <mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> >


I think I understand what you are trying to do, but I think it doesn't
quite work that way.  Let me try to explain (and please let me know if I
don't explain it well enough ;-))


I don't think that you can use Ceph directly as a system datastore.  The
way the Ceph datastore driver works for migrations is leveraging whatever
transfer method you have for the system datastore to perform the
migration.  For example, if you use the 'shared' system datastore, then it
will use that transfer manager's pre and post migration drivers.  For
'ssh', the ssh drivers, and so on.  The way the Ceph datastore is
implemented is as Ceph Block Devices, so unfortunately there is not a way
to use it as a simple shared volume.


There are 2 potential solutions for getting live migrations working for
your Ceph datastore VMs:

*	Create a shared NFS volume (or other 'sharable' filesystem, like
GFS2, OCFS2, etc., however these are much more complicated to configure
and usually not worth the hassle) and have the shared volume mounted to
the same location on each hypervisor node.  In a previous test deployment,
we just exported out the /var/lib/one/vms directory to the hypervisors.
At this point, all of the hypervisors should be able to see the deployment
files in the same location and you should be able to perform a migration.
*	Use SSH as the transfer manager for your system datastore, and
modify the pre and post-migrate scripts to copy the deployment files from
the current VM host to the target VM host.  This is the method we use
currently in our deployment, as it is one less configuration step that we
have to worry about maintaining on each node, and makes expanding our
cluster much quicker and easier.  I can share with you the pre and
post-migrate scripts we use if you like.

Let me know if the above makes sense, and of course if you need any
additional help please don't hesitate to bug me.  I'm very familiar with
the Ceph drivers  ;-)



From: "Jon" <three18ti at gmail.com <mailto:three18ti at gmail.com> >
To: "Users OpenNebula" <users at lists.opennebula.org
<mailto:users at lists.opennebula.org> >
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 8:05:51 PM
Subject: [one-users]  How to use Ceph/RBD for System Datastore



Hello All,


I am using Ceph as my storage back end and would like to know how to
configure the system datastore, such that I can live migrate vms.


Following the directions, I thought I could create a datastore, format it,
and mount it at /var/lib/one/datastores/0 , however, I discovered, that
isn't quite how things work.



You can read more about that at the above link, but long story short, to
mount a shared filesystem it has to be a "clustered" filesystem (I think
CephFS is the "clustered filesystem", in this case).


I attempted to modify my system datastore config, however, I was unable to
change the DS_MAD parameter, and vm creation errors out telling me there's
no /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ceph/mkswap driver (there isn't)


>> oneadmin at red6:~$ onedatastore show 0 


>> ID             : 0                   

>> NAME           : system              

>> USER           : oneadmin            

>> GROUP          : oneadmin            

>> CLUSTER        : -                   

>> TYPE           : SYSTEM              

>> DS_MAD         : -                   

>> TM_MAD         : ceph                

>> BASE PATH      : /var/lib/one/datastores/0

>> DISK_TYPE      : FILE                



>> OWNER          : um-                 

>> GROUP          : u--                 

>> OTHER          : ---                 



>> DISK_TYPE="rbd"

>> DS_MAD="-"

>> TM_MAD="ceph"



>> IMAGES         


Maybe I'm just confused.  Can anyone provide some guidance on setting ceph
up as the system datastore?



Jon A


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