[one-users] Parallel application in MPI

Sándor Ács acs.sandor at sztaki.mta.hu
Tue Apr 23 05:27:56 PDT 2013

Dear Guilherme,

The IaaS services can provide virtual CPU, network and storage. In order to
run MPI applications you need to have a platform. (Therefore, you need to
deploy a platfrom (e.g PBS, condor).)

Best Regards,

2013/4/23 Guilherme Guimaraes <gboulhosa at gmail.com>

> Hello my dear good night. I would like to run a parallel application in
> MPI on virtual machines and monitor them by Openenebula Sunstone.
> I have the front end onpenenbula (Master) and (Slave01) with 2 machines
> virtuias. Between Master and my machine Slave01 already have ssh without
> password set, where it was possible to create virtual machines.
> I would like to know is how to run parallel application on machines
> virtuias, utilizadno OpenNebula.
> - Should I Install OpenMPI on virtual machines?
> - Set a password-less SSH between machines virtuias too?
> - The result of processing is amarmazenado where.
> The goal is to have a manager clouds, where I can run high-performance
> applications on machines virtuias.
> Thank you!!
> --
> *Atenciosamente,
> Guilherme B. Guimarães*
> *Mestrando em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC/UFPA*
> *Especialista em desenvovilemento para Internet - UFPA
> Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UNAMA *
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