[one-users] OpenNebula Sunstone statistics

Guba Sándor gubasanyi at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 11:06:50 PDT 2012

Thank you for youre detailed instructions. However I made a small
CPU/RAM statistic from "onehost list -x" and parsed it's output with a
ruby script. Crontab refresh it in every min. It should be enough for
the public :)

2012-09-09 14:44 keltezéssel, Hector Sanjuan írta:
> The statistics are only accesible if you are logged in and to put all
> that in your own page is not inmmediate.
> If you can make an app that takes a screenshot of your sunstone screen
> and serves it to the public that could be one easy way.
> Second dirty way would be to try deploy a second sunstone server whose
> dashboard and layout are hacked in a way that it only shows the
> statistics (hiding the menu, top/bottom bars). I never tried to deploy
> a second server for the same install of ONE, but I think it should be
> possible. Hacking would be done in layout.js and dashboard-tab.js
> files mostly. You can hack sunstone-server.rb so that login happens
> automaticly with the credentials you want and perform relogin if
> session exprires.
> And programatically, it is not so straightforward. Dashboard
> statistics are build by processing and regrouping the data that comes
> when the list of Hosts, VMs... is fetched. This is done in
> monitoring.js which groups and plots the information according to
> configurations defined in the SunstoneMonitoringConfig object.
> So this approach would be a bit of a hell if you're not familiar with
> the code:
> 1 - add a custom route to the sunstone server that generates the stats
> page you want to show.
> get '/stats' do
>   #perhaps turn session expiration of here
>   erb :stats, :layout => false
> end
> The generated html should contain the <div>s where you would like to
> paint the things. You can try copying that from dashboard-tab.js.
> 2 - Include opennenbula.js, monitoring.js and all the jquery* vendor
> libraries. Create a new stats.js file. After you  login in sunstone,
> you can directly go to http://sunstone-ip:port/stats Your stats.js
> will need to make use of OpenNebula.Host.list(params) and similar to
> get a list of resources. In the params you need to include a callback
> function.
> 3 - your stats JS should include the SunstoneMonitoringConfig['HOST']
> You can copy it from hosts-tab.js. The only part I think you need to
> edit is the plot() function inside it, which indicates where the plots
> are going to be painted ("container").
> 4 - Within the callback function for Host.list() you should call
>     SunstoneMonitoring.monitor('HOST', host_list)
> (see updateHostsView() in hosts-tab.js, which is the callback for
> Host.list())
> 5 - If the steps above are ok then the pies and diagrams for hosts
> should be painted in your stats page in the divs that you placed. If
> you want VMs stats, you need to get the VMs list, the
> SunstoneMonitoringConfig['VM'] object and repeat the process.
> I keep wondering if maybe I missed an easy brighter way to do this.
> I'll write back if it cames to my mind.

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