[one-users] Save As and Detach option

Javier Fontan jfontan at opennebula.org
Tue Nov 27 02:50:04 PST 2012


I'm struggling to understand the situation you are describing. Correct
me if I am wrong.

You mention dom0. Are you using Xen? If that is true disregard what I
said about changing dynamic_ownership parameter in libvirt as Xen
drivers do not use libvirt for hypervisor communication.

First line I see in the in the log file seems seriously broken:

426622-Mon Nov 26 14:06:42 2012 [ImM][I]: Creating disk at  of 2216Mb
(type: save_as)

It's not saying where it is creating the image (source in OpenNebula
parlance) and give an strange type. Could you please send us the VM
and Image templates from onevm and oneimage show? Maybe I am missing
something and other developers could help me here.

I also see this line that says the image was created:

426627:Mon Nov 26 14:06:42 2012 [ImG][D]: Message received: MKFS
SUCCESS 25 /var/lib/one/datastores/100/a3e076f377a855dc76f44ac373c9b0ca

But you are telling me that the image does not exist. Are you checking
the hypervisor node or the frontend?

More comments inline

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Roberto Rosende Dopazo
<rrosende at cesga.es> wrote:
> [...]
> After delete machine image state is showed as READY in Sunstone.
> In dom0 deployment dir and file are still present and disk files disk.0 and
> disk.1 have their user and group changed to root.root and image file doesn't
> exist
> A new file appears
> # file /var/lib/one/datastores/0/123/checkpoint
> /var/lib/one/datastores/0/123/checkpoint: data

This is really strange. After EPILOG (the state that comes after
successful shutdown, delete or cancel) the VM directory in the system
datastore is deleted, so those files should not be there. Also, then
only way OpeNebula tells Xen to create checkpoint is on SAVE, STOP or
MIGRATE. Are you sure that you have deleted the VM? It looks to me
that the image was suspended or stopped. Bear in mind that save_as is
not done in that state.

> Also with root.root but 666 file permission and in this case directory and
> files of this machine are never deleted from running datastore

The non deletion of images is consistent my the SAVE/STOP theory.


Javier Fontán Muiños
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | jfontan at opennebula.org | @OpenNebula

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