[one-users] Question about 3.8.1 TM premigrate

Joaquin Villanueva jvillanueva at acb.es
Mon Nov 19 02:59:48 PST 2012

Hi all,

After succesful update from 3.6 to 3.8.1, we're testing the
premigrate/postmigrate feature. We're using a shared system datastore,
and all the VM have iscsi volumes attached. The premigrate feature is
really useful for this scenario, letting us to login into the iscsi
volumes before migration without need for a more complex setup involving
qemu scripts at the hosts.

We're using a modified version of the iscsi DATASTORE / TM drivers,
adapted to our Equallogic setup. These drivers are added to the
opennebula config as new driver (eqliscsi), and all the other features
run as expected.

But there's some questions about the premigrate/postmigrate feature:

- There's premigrate/postmigrate scripts at every TM driver, but the
only one called when doing a VM migration was the shared TM.
- The eqliscsi TM premigrate scripts must be called from the shared TM?
- It's planed to call every premigrate script from every datastore used
inside the VM?

I'm thinking in a scenario where one VM has different disks from
different datastores attached and need to do some operations
before/after migration. The premigrate/postmigrate scripts must be
called at least for every different TM driver needed.

Maybe I'm mixing some concepts between datastore and tm drivers, but
some help to define the correct way to manage this scenario wil be
grealty appreciated.

Best regards,

*Joaquín Villanueva Adrián*

Director Técnico ACB.COM








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