[one-users] better OS to install Opennebula
Nicolas Diogo
nicolasdiogo at gmx.com
Sat May 26 09:56:17 PDT 2012
Thanks Oliver,
what is the best way to install opennebula on Debian 6 amd64?
using the packages available from opennebula.org or using a repo?
but it only exists on:
which would require to add repo:
deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
is this a good practive?
On 25/05/12 08:21, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> Le 5/25/12 12:55 AM, Nicolas Diogo a écrit :
>> Thanks for the info.
>> but i have tried installing a couple of time alreay..
>> both time using Debian 6 x64
>> i will try again over the weekend and post queries to the list.
>> the idea is to setup a small virtualized environment - mainly for
>> learning.
> I am using Open Nebula on Debian 6 x64 and I have no issue.
> Olivier
>> with regards,
>> Nicolas
>> On 24/05/12 07:50, davood ghatreh wrote:
>>> Dear Nicolas,
>>> You can install Opennebula on both RedHat (CentOS) and Debian based
>>> (Ubuntu) OSes without any problem. You just need to have some
>>> experience on Linux OS, installing apps, basic shell commands, etc
>>> for a successful installation. After installing it, you will be
>>> able to use Sunstone GUI to manage your cloud environment.
>>> you also have to know Opennebula architecture. use [1] to obtain
>>> this information.
>>> to start installing the software, use [2], which is a step by step
>>> procedure
>>> About the OS to install,
>>> As my point of view, install it on CentOS 6.2. It may be a bit
>>> difficult compared with Ubuntu, but you'll learn too many things
>>> If you want to install it in the most easiest way, choose Ubuntu
>>> (mine was 10.04), and run "aptitude install opennebula"
>>> it is not just the Opennebula application which should be installed
>>> properly. You'll need to have a Hypervisor to work with it. Choose
>>> one, and enable its drivers in Opennebula [3]
>>> Feel free to ask if there is any question
>>> Thanks
>>> Davood
>>> [1]: http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.4:plan
>>> [2]: http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.4:ignc
>>> [3]: http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.4:vmmg
>>> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 3:21 AM, Nicolas Diogo <nicolasdiogo at gmx.com
>>> <mailto:nicolasdiogo at gmx.com>> wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> once again i will take sometime to try to get OpenNebula working.
>>> what is the better (easier) less difficult OS to install on?
>>> CentOS 6 / Scientific Linux 6
>>> Debian 6
>>> thanks,
>>> Nicolas
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> Olivier Sallou
> IRISA / University of Rennes 1
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