[one-users] NoVNC in Sunstone behind lighttpd

Alberto Zuin - Liste liste at albertozuin.eu
Thu May 31 12:51:48 PDT 2012

Hello all,
I'm setting up a new cloud (little, but this time it's mine ;-) with 
OpenNebula 3.4.1.
Sunstone works like a charm when connecting directly on port 9869, but I 
want using Lighttpd for ssl proxy. In this situation there is a problem 
using NoVNC web console: when I click on the icon, appear the popup on 
the bottom but no console.
No error in lighttpd log and in sunstone log.
Any suggestions?

Alberto Zuin
via Mare, 36/A
36030 Lugo di Vicenza (VI)
P.I. 04310790284
Tel. +39.0499271575
Fax. +39.0492106654
Cell. +39.3286268626
www.azns.it - alberto at azns.it

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