[one-users] Help required

Deff Rymz deff_rhymz at hotmail.com
Wed May 16 02:21:26 PDT 2012

My name is Deff. I am new to OpenNebula, I was just wondering if I could get some hint on how to set up OpenNebula. I am following instructions provided on the following web site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenNebula. However, when I typed the following command on on step 2 $ onehost add cluster02 im_kvm vmm_kvm tm_ssh, I recieve a message reporting that ONE_AUTH file not present on the server.
Can you please provide me with revelant hint, I am keen in learning OpenNebula.
PS I am using Ubuntu server version 12.4 to configure OpenNebula using VMware workstation.Can you also tell me which Hypervisor is best to use Xen, Vmware or KVM. 
Thank you very much
Best regards. 		 	   		  
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