[one-users] Urgent: vm+xen

Steven Timm timm at fnal.gov
Wed Mar 7 06:56:58 PST 2012

This is my template from xen, dom0=sci. linux 5.7, opennebula 2.0
I have a cloud with both KVM and Xen hosts in it.
I would strongly urge you to not use the kernel/initrd approach
and instead use the pygrub option as I have below, with the kernel
stored inside the domU. It is a lot easier to maintain
in the long run.  also you still need the kernel installed inside
the domU anyway even if you are using an external vmlinuz/initrd.img
to boot.

If you were using an external vmlinuz/initrd combo then  yes the
field would change every time you updated a kernel, unless
you made a symlink or something.

Steve Timm


[timm at fcl002 ~/OpenNebula]$ more cloudgums2_xen.one
NAME   = cloudgums2.fnal.gov
CPU    = 2
VCPU   = 2
MEMORY = 3072

#OS     = [
#  kernel     = /vmlinuz,
#  initrd     = /initrd.img,
#  root       = sda1,
#  kernel_cmd = "ro xencons=tty console=tty1"]

OS      =   [ bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub" ]

DISK  = [  image = "cloudgums2-persist-xen.img" ]

DISK   = [
   type     = swap,
   size     = 5120,
   target   = sdb ]

DISK   = [
   type     = fs,
   size     = 4096,
   format   = ext3,
   save     = yes,
   target   = sdc,
   bus      = scsi ]

#NIC    = [ NETWORK = "FermiCloud" ]
NIC = [ BRIDGE = "xenbr0", MAC = "00:16:3E:02:03:01" ]

FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]

   type    = "vnc",
   listen  = "",
   port    = "5917" ]

     hostname    = "$NAME",
     ip_public   = "",
     netmask     = "",
     gateway     = "",
     ns          = "",
     files      = "/cloud/images/OpenNebula/templates/init.sh 
la/k5login /home/timm/OpenNebula/gums/link_certs.sh",
     target      = "hdc",
     root_pubkey = "id_dsa.pub",
     username    = "opennebula",
     user_pubkey = "id_dsa.pub"


[timm at fcl002 ~/OpenNebula]$

On Wed, 7 Mar 2012, Darshan Upadhyay wrote:

> Hello friends,
> i am using opennebula 3.0 on centos 5.5....i have successfully connected
> front-end and host.....i am using xen hypervisor.....please provide me one
> example of vm template related to xen....and guide me how i can specify the
> attribute like Kernel = ?, initrd = ? and root = ?......also tell me that,
> this field is continuouly changed with different os of vm or remains same???
> and what is the use of database in cloud??
> Thanking you in anticipation....

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
timm at fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Group Leader.
Lead of FermiCloud project.

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