[one-users] Passwordless ssh between VM's?

Olivier Sallou olivier.sallou at irisa.fr
Thu Mar 22 01:34:07 PDT 2012

Le 3/22/12 6:53 AM, biro lehel a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I'm looking for the most convenient setting to be able to
> passwordlessly ssh between the VM's created by OpenNebula. I've
> noticed that the settings which provide passwordless ssh from the
> Front-end (or Hosts) into VM's do not deal with this, the system is
> still asking for a password if I want to ssh from VM into VM. So, did
> I do something wrong, and in theory, the exact same steps would need
> to be followed in case of VM's too, or is there some trick?

To enable password less communication between VMs you need top create a
SSH key for a user (root?) that will be in all you VMs.
You should also disable in ssh_config the know_hosts feature (or
redirect it to /dev/null).

For SSH there are multiple means. You create a VM with a SSH key inside,
the drawback is the SSH key is the same for all VMs e.g. all users, this
is not secure but for test only it would fit.
At boot time you load the ssh key for a file set in CONTEXT template,
with a key dedicated per user. Or, still at boot time, you trigger a
server (you made) to get a SSH key from the VM ip.


> Thank you,
> Lehel.
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Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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