[one-users] OpenNebula Drain CPU

Alberto Zuin - Liste liste at albertozuin.eu
Sat Jun 30 23:34:39 PDT 2012

Hello List,
I have installed my servers in datacenter last Friday: I have a Cloud 
Controller made on old Xeon quadcore (a dell PowerEdge 860) with 6 GB 
RAM and 2x2TB SATA disks and I use it only for storage via MooseFS and 
to run OpenNebula daemon; I have also 2 KVM nodes that use VM raw disk 
on MooseFS daemon.
I plan to move the datas and some VM from other 2 old PE860 on this 
OpenNebula infrastructure and, after that, use the other 2 servers to 
add MooseFS nodes to the storage cluster to enable HA.
At the moment I have 10 VM running on this infrastructure, all ready but 
with the only load of incoming emails (no DNS, no web sites).
Without OpenNebula runnung, I have a load under 1 process; CPU is 70% 
idle and 25% waiting for disk.
This morning, (yesterday was OK) with OpenNebula running I have a load 
about 9-10 process; CPU is 0% idle, 0% waiting for disk, 60% system and 
35% nice. RAM is OK: 1 GB used, 1 GB free an 4 GB cached; no swap at all.
I checked the system for possible rootkits ecc., I checked logs (debug 
level 3) and I tried to move out one.db and restart OpenNebula but the 
load is always high. Nokogiri gem is installed. Sunstone, radacctd, 
econe, ecc. not running, only One daemon.
When I start OpenNebula, if I run "netstat", I see many connection in 
"Time Wait" state to MooseFS.

In this situation I don't unterstand if it is a MooseFS problem or a 
OpenNebula problem, but without OpenNebula running all KVM VM works 
well, no other problems. What can I do to debug (and solve) this?


Alberto Zuin
via Mare, 36/A
36030 Lugo di Vicenza (VI)
P.I. 04310790284
Tel. +39.0499271575
Fax. +39.0492106654
Cell. +39.3286268626
www.azns.it - alberto at azns.it

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