[one-users] copying error during "oneimage create"

Massimo Canonico mex at di.unipmn.it
Thu Jun 7 07:36:21 PDT 2012

Hi all,
after launching this command:
  oneimage create ubuntu.oneimg --datastore 100

I got an error:
MESSAGE="Error copying image in the repository: Not allowed to copy 
image file /home/oneadmin/images/CentOS-6.2.img"

I have just two machines and they do not share a filesystem, so I 
decided to create a datastore with "fs" as  TYPE and "ssh" as TM:
[oneadmin at minicloud03 images]$ onedatastore list
    0 system          -        0      -      shared
    1 default         -        0      fs     shared
  100 minicloudDS     -        1      fs     ssh

Now, I think that the problem is in the host machine. Considering that 
in the front-end I have used the self-contained mode, which directory 
should be available in the host?

In the host I have a user called "oneadmin" which the home directory is 
"/var/lib/one". I have created in the host a directory 
(/var/lib/one/datastores) with no luck.

 From the front-end to host (minicloud.di.unipmn.it), this command works 
without problem (no passwd is required):
scp <file> minicloud.di.unipmn.it:/var/lib/one/

May you explain me where the image will be copied?


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