[one-users] OpenNebula and OpenvSwitch

Kamil Szczygieł kamsz at kamsz.pl
Tue Jul 10 06:42:19 PDT 2012

At beginning I want to thank to the OpenNebula IRC Channel - you guys
helped us out very fast and support you've provided is awesome!

The problem was that after a crash VMs were trying to connect through
existing bridges (since they don't get removed after a crash), so basically
we were getting a invalid parameter error. Somehow adding <virtualport
type='openvswitch'/> to the deployment file been solving issue without
manually deleting 'zombie' bridges.

Fix is simple - just remove zombie bridges and deploy VMs again.

Thanks for awesome support!

2012/7/10 Kamil Szczygieł <kamsz at kamsz.pl>

> Hello,
> We cannot find way to make OpenNebula add <virtualport type='openvswitch'
> /> to virtual machines by itself, we've to add it to each deployment file
> manually. Can you provide some support where we can set it up? We're using
> network mode Open vSwitch at our virtual network, but still it fails to add
> it to the file (after adding it manually it works like a charm).
> --
> Thanks in advance,
> Kamil Szczygieł

Kamil Szczygieł
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