[one-users] Reminder: call for translations (deadline 06th July 9am CEST)

Hector Sanjuan hsanjuan at opennebula.org
Wed Jul 4 07:05:52 PDT 2012

Dear community,

This is a reminder of the call for translations for our web interfaces:  
Sunstone and Self-Service.

The deadline has been moved some hours ealier, to Friday 6th of July, 9am  
CEST, in order to be able to comply better with the testing and packaging  
of the new OpenNebula 3.6 version, to be released on 9th of July.

For instructions on how to translate check [1].

As corrections and improvements have been carried out during the beta  
phase, there have been minor changes to some translations strings. These  
changes are now reflected in the Transifex project page[2].

Therefore we kindly ask all translators to complete the translations as  
much as possible before July 6th, 9am CEST.

We would like to thank all the contributors for the great response and the  
efforts carried out so far. It is great to count with so many languages :)
Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer


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