[one-users] Reservation/scheduling system as Haizea?

Valerio Schiavoni valerio.schiavoni at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 01:49:31 PDT 2012

Hello everyone,
we would like to complement our OpenNebula deployment (currently 3.4) with
an advanced scheduling reservation system.

Googling around, the first result points to Haizea
http://haizea.cs.uchicago.edu/  :
its latest release dates back to 3 years ago and only supports ON 1.4.

Are you aware of similar and most up-to-date efforts ?
Basically we would like to avoid an excel file to indicate the duration of
a reservation, who is using the VMs, for what reason, etc, and instead get
some support from such a reservation system. Even better, support into the
web interface would be a great plus...

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