[one-users] Using shared fs and ssh TM

Andreas Calvo andreas.calvo at scytl.com
Mon Jul 9 02:59:18 PDT 2012

Is there any way to mix TM in an environment?
We currently have a shared FS with GFS2 using qcow, but when a lot of 
VMs are launched, writing changes becomes a I/O bottleneck.
We were thinking of a mixture where the image is shared and the 
incremental changes (qcow) are write locally.

Is it possible?


Andreas Calvo Gómez
Systems Engineer
Scytl Secure Electronic Voting
Plaça Gal·la Placidia, 1-3, 1st floor · 08006 Barcelona
Phone: + 34 934 230 324
Fax:   + 34 933 251 028

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