[one-users] ec2 AuthFailureUser not authorized0

Dian Djaelani djaelani at maxindo.net.id
Tue Jan 3 19:35:47 PST 2012

Hello all,

anyone can help me ??
i stuck with install opennebula ec2, i try configure ec2 on opennebula, 
it`s service running but i check on browser with hybridfox 1.7

AuthFailure|User not authorized0

this my conf econe.conf

# OpenNebula sever contact information
:one_xmlrpc: http://localhost:2633/RPC2

# Host and port where econe server will run
:server: frontend.bsdnodes.biz
:port: 8188

# SSL proxy that serves the API (set if is being used)
#:ssl_server: frontend.bsdnodes.biz

# Authentication protocol for the econe server:
#   ec2, default Acess key and Secret key scheme
#   x509, for x509 certificates based authentication
:auth: ec2

# VM types allowed and its template file (inside templates directory)
     :template: m1.small.erb


Dian Djaelani
djaelani at maxindo.net.id

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