[one-users] OpenNebula CloudWorkshop Romania Timișoara

Valentin Bud valentin.bud at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 01:28:48 PST 2012

Hello Community,

My name is Valentin Bud. I have started using OpenNebula a few months ago.
I thank you for this great you are
developing. Words cannot really express gratitude.

I have been playing with OpenNebula until now, no production deployments
but those are about to follow really
soon. I like the tool because it gives you flexibility. What I love about
it is that I can do a lot of things using
shell scripts.

In 16.02 February I am going to host a CloudWorkshop for the local business
and student communities. In the first
part of the Workshop I am going to talk about the Cloud from a business
perspective and how could the Cloud
help small companies or startups.

The second part is dedicated to the students from the local technical
university Universitatea "Politehnica" Timișoara.
I am about to build an email Cloud using OpenNebula for my personal use,
and present OpenNebula and the email
Cloud as a case study.

This workshop is the first from a series that I want to make around Romania
in cities were are the most recognized
technical universities, cities like Cluj, Iași, București.

Cloud Computing is the future and I want to promote this concept throughout
Romania so we don't remain behind on this.
In cities were are technical universities is a concentration of creative
and innovative minds among the students.

Why am I telling you all this? As an appreciation for the work this
community has put into OpenNebula. If I am going
to use OpenNebula you should know about it. It is you, the community, who
made this possible. I don't want to make
marketing on this mailing lists, and if I am crossing the line with this
please remove the message, but the event
has a facebook page at the following link -
The page is in Romanian though.

Have a wonderful day people,

w: http://databus.ro/blog
in: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/valentin-bud/9/881/830
t: https://twitter.com/valentinbud
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