[one-users] Contextualisation: interpreted variable during vm creation

Stéphane Bulot stephane at altern-it.com
Thu Apr 12 07:22:53 PDT 2012


I'm trying to set encrypted (md5) user password in the context.sh file.

Here is my context section of my vm template file.
CONTEXT = [ HOSTNAME = "host-2",
            MYUSERNAME = "user-2",
            MYPASSWORD = '$1$9qqmIcc6$N4MpGPRFm6tMLVocJAU011'  ]

My template is created without any problem. Unfortunatly, as I create the
vm from this template, I get in my context.sh file
It means that MYPASSWORD string is interpreted. For example, if I have a
md5 password $1$9qqmIcc6$N4MpG/fizog, MYPASSWORD is '/fizog'
I can not figure out what is the problem. Is there something obvious I

Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards.

Stéphane Bulot
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