[one-users] hybridfox not working with econe-server

Shi Jin jinzishuai at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 21:23:55 PDT 2011

Hi there,

I have a working ONE-3.0RC1 that I am testing with and my euca2ools is
confirmed to work with the econe-server.
However, I am unable to get hybridfox-1.6 to work from the same client
machine against the same server.
I understand that the URL needs to specify the same FQDN as in the
econe.conf and euca2ools working should confirm that everything on the
server side is working.
However, I got "User not authorized" error in hybridfox and econe.log show
error code 500: - - [26/Sep/2011 00:21:14] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0531

First I thought this might be a hybridfox issue since they seem to have
special treatment for EC2, Eucalytpus and Openstack but haven't got ECONE
yet. However, a search on this list seemed to indicate that somebody has
already got hybridfox to work with econe. If so, could you please shade some
light on how to get it working?


Shi Jin, Ph.D.
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