[one-users] VMs are not reachable over their IP

Martin Lauer ml067 at hdm-stuttgart.de
Wed Nov 16 14:49:41 PST 2011

Hey Jaime,
thanks for the explanation. Maybe the formulation of my question wasn't 
really good at all. I've read most of the documentation and bridging 
isn't a new topic for me.

When OpenNebula launches a (the first) VM, the vnet0 is attached to the 
bridge (this works flawlessly in my case).
If my bridge has the IP 141.x.x.66 and the VMs get an IP , ranged from 
141.x.x.67-141.x.x.80, how are the packets been routed to the VMs?

Does OpenNebula (my context Script) just set the VM IP within the 
running VM, or is there also a mechanism that sets the corresponding IP 
(eg. 141.x.x.67) also on the bridge, so the VM is visible to the Network?
Or are VLAN Tags/Open vSwitch/ebtables the only way to process IP 
Packages to the KVM virtual Interfaces?

cheers, Martin

Am 16.11.2011 17:40, schrieb Jaime Melis:
> Hi Martin,
> The way the default network configuration works in OpenNebula is by 
> making the hypervisor hook the virtual network interface of a virtual 
> machine to a pre-existent bridge (created by the administrator), which 
> is, in turn, connected to a real physical device:
>   +-------------------+
>   |                   |
>   |      br0          |
>   |                   |
>   +---+----------+----+
>       |          |
>       |          |
> +---------+  +-----------+
> |         |  |           |
> |  eth0   |  |    vnet0  |
> |         |  |           |
> +---------+  +-----------+
> br0: bridge created by administrator during the installation process 
> of OpenNebula (which may or may not have an IP)
> eth0: real physical device (which doesn't have an IP)
> vnet0: the virtual network device of the virtual machine, created by 
> the hypervisor.
> You can verify this when running a VM by running the following command 
> in your worker nodes:
> $ bridge namebridge idSTP enabledinterfaces
> br08000.001e682f4a02noeth0
> vnet1
> br18000.001e682f4a03noeth1
> vnet0
> In this particular case there are two bridges: br0 and br1
> You can read about alternative network setups here:
> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.0:nm
> Regards,
> Jaime
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Martin Lauer <ml067 at hdm-stuttgart.de 
> <mailto:ml067 at hdm-stuttgart.de>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I've set up my machine images with contextualization and they're
>     configured right, when looking into the machines via VNC.
>     The leases from my "public.net <http://public.net>" are also given
>     to the machines.
>     Shouldn't the bridge on the host(s) "br0" be mapped with
>     additional IPs (the ones from the VMs)? This is just an
>     assumption, when thinking back to Eucalyptus, which I tried to use
>     before as a Private Cloud Infrastructure.
>     Can someone give me a hint how routing is done in OpenNebula and
>     how packets are accepted by the bridge!
>     Thanks,
>     martin
>     -- 
>     Martin Lauer
>     Hochschule der Medien  
>     Nobelstraße 10  
>     70569 Stuttgart
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> -- 
> Jaime Melis
> Project Engineer
> OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
> www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.OpenNebula.org> | jmelis at opennebula.org 
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