[one-users] Opennebula 3.0 accounting tools problem on ubuntu 10.04

Mohd Noor Julaini Hussin julaini.hussin at mimos.my
Mon Nov 14 23:02:04 PST 2011


I currently use opennebula 3.0 with using mysql as databases.
i already start oneacctd daemon and install opennebula  accounting tools 2.9.85 as root user.
my system also have a few of running vm like ttylinux,ubuntu10.04 that create by command line as root user
but when i execute oneacct -u 0 there is no output.I hope someone can help me with this kind of problem.
thank you.

below is details of my system:

OS:Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit.
opennebula 3.0
installation type self-installation using $ONE_LOCATION.(/srv/cloud/one)
opennebula can only start by using root user.
all required gem have been install.
i also fix the bug for opennebula 3.0 refer to http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.0:acctd_conf#considerations_limitations
acctd.conf also have been configured using mysql:below is my acctd configuration file:

:DB: mysql://root:abc123@localhost/opennebula
# Duration of each daemon loop in seconds
:STEP: 300 # 5 minutes

# VM Monitoring


    # Number of daemon loops until a VM monitoring watch
    :STEPS: 1

    # Number of VM records to preserve

# HOST Monitoring

 # Number of daemon loops until a Hosts monitoring watch
    :STEPS: 3

    # Number of HOST records to preserve

# Accounting


    # Number of daemon loops until an accounting watch
    :STEPS: 10


Mohd Noor
 A strategic agency under MOSTI


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