[one-users] Beginner questions: Opennebula 2.2.1

Peter Farič peter.faric at ledinek.com
Tue May 3 03:57:32 PDT 2011


I'm experimenting with opennebula 2.2.1 on Centos 5.5 i686. So far I am 
pleased with the results. I got two KVM nodes and am running two VMs.

Since I am a beginner I can't seem to wrap my head around the lifecycle 
of VMs. I looked at the documentation and the shown lifecycle... When I 
shutdown a VM instance it is not shown in "onevm list" anymore. I read 
that this is normal. If I then want to start it again I have to run 
"onevm create centos.one" which is ok, but how do I automate this 
process so oned can start it on its own or am I missing something? I am 
used to the way virt-manager does things as it leaves an entry for a VM 
instance even if its shutdown and keeps the VM ID number... Any thoughts 
on this?

One other thing is when I have a VM running on a node and I run 
"poweroff" in the VM instance, the VM shuts down and the nodes "virsh 
list" shows the VM as not running anymore. On the "oned" server "onevm 
list" still shows the VM instance as running. Shouldn't it recognize the 
new state of the VM and report something?



Peter Farič
Sistemski administrator
Tel.:  +386 2 613 00 79
Fax :  +386 2 613 00 60
Email: peter.faric at ledinek.com
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