[one-users] cannot use a iso based cdrom in vmware

Carlos A. caralla at upv.es
Tue May 17 04:04:29 PDT 2011

A template like this

-----------cut here-------------------

NAME = vm-vmware

VCPU    = 1
MEMORY = 512
OS = [ ARCH = "i686" ]

DISK = [
         source = "/tmp/iso" ,

-----------cut here-------------------

generates a deployment file like this one

-----------cut here-------------------

<domain type='vmware'>
<type arch='i686'>hvm</type>
<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
<source file='/tmp/iso'/>
<target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
<driver name='raw'/>

-----------cut here-------------------

The problem is the line that states <source file='/tmp/iso'/> while it 
should state <source file='[datastore] path/to/iso'/> or something like 

I found that file "LibVirtDriverVMware.cc" does not generate the proper 
datastore substitution, although ISO file is copied.

Is there any way to make isos work in vmware?


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