[one-users] Migrating from 1.4 to 2.01

Gary Mazz garymazzaferro at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 00:07:31 PDT 2011


Is there a way to migrate from 1.4 to 2.01. I found some scripts by 
Marlon Nerling here: http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/415

The scripts didn't work INSERTing in the new db..  Is this the correct 
versions is there any secret ?

SELECT "Work network_pool and vn_template " as Action;
INSERT INTO network_pool ( oid, uid, name, type, bridge, public, 
template ) VALUES ( 'SQL error near line 1: no such table: 
network_pool', 0, '' );
SELECT "Work vm_pool and vm_attributes " as Action;
INSERT INTO vm_pool ( oid, uid, name, last_poll, state, lcm_state, 
stime, etime, deploy_id, memory ,cpu, net_tx, net_rx, last_seq, template 
) VALUES ( 'SQL error near line 1: no such table: vm_pool', 0, '' );
SELECT "Work host_pool, host_shares " as Action;
INSERT INTO host_pool ( oid, host_name, state, im_mad, vm_mad, tm_mad, 
last_mon_time, cluster, template ) VALUES ( 'SQL error near line 1: no 
such table: host_pool', 'default', '<TEMPLATE><SQL><![CDATA[error near 
line 1: no such table: host_attributes]]></SQL></TEMPLATE>' );

INSERT INTO host_shares ( hid, disk_usage, mem_usage, 
cpu_usage,max_disk, max_mem, max_cpu, free_disk, free_mem, 
free_cpu,used_disk, used_mem, used_cpu, running_vms ) VALUES ( 'SQL 
error near line 1: no such table: host_shares' );

SELECT "Work history" as Action;
INSERT INTO history VALUES ( 'SQL error near line 1: near "error": 
syntax error' );
SELECT "Work user_pool" as Action;
INSERT INTO user_pool VALUES ( 'SQL error near line 1: near "error": 
syntax error' );
SELECT "Work leases" as Action;
INSERT INTO leases VALUES ( 'SQL error near line 1: near "error": syntax 
error' );


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