[one-users] High avaliability

Ara Sadoyan ara.sadoyan at netangels.net
Wed Jul 13 09:08:30 PDT 2011

Thanks Daniel.

Have you tried this? 
I have dual master DRBS/OCFS2 and all I need is just to restart VM from failed host on live one.
Something very similar to live-migrate as VM disc is located on DRBD volume and is accessible from both hosts.
The only bad think in my scenario is that HOST_HOOK is deleting VM disc from DRBD volume and creating new one from image.
Do you know away to run VM on second host without recreating it from image.

Thanks in advance

Daniel Roßbach <rossbach at neophonie.de> wrote:

>On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 05:06:24PM +0500, Ara Sadoyan wrote:
>> Hi there
>> Anyone achieved high availability for virtual machines with Opnnebula or this
>> is something that is impossible ?
>> I have 2 hosts with DRBD and when one of hosts failed I have to recreate VM
>> with HOST_HOOK and loose running VM in spite of VM disk is OK.
>> Is  there any way to use this disk and do not create new one from scratch ?
>> Thanks
>Maybe have a look at this:
>Daniel Rossbach                                                                                                                                                                                                 
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