[one-users] error getting driver vmm_kvm

Stefano Ghio steghio at eng.it
Tue Dec 20 02:52:08 PST 2011


I'm having trouble starting new VM instances with ONE. I get to the 
point where the machine state is BOOT, then I get:

[VMM][E]: deploy_action, error getting driver vmm_kvm

and immediately after the machine state is FAILED. I was trying with the 
ttylinux.img downloaded from the ONE website but it fails with any image 
I give it. Full log is attached as vm_log.txt

I tried with both FIXED and RANGED virtual networks.

I'm using ONE front-end on a Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit virtualized with 
VirtualBox and I set up the host machine on a dedicated server with 
Ubuntu 11.04. I installed ONE 3.0.0 from apt.

 From the Sunstone GUI I can see that ONE sees the host and successfully 
talks to it (I can monitor it and I see the image file transfer 
happening). Both front-end and host are configured with user oneadmin in 
group oneadmin and libvirt and KVM with same UID and GID.

I installed on both machines:

  * libvirt-bin 0.8.8
  * ruby 1.8.7
  * qemu-kvm 0.14.0
  * sqlite3 3.7.4
  * libxml2 2.7.8
  * expat 2.0.1
  * curl 7.21.3

with the -dev version too where available.

SSH is configured properly and the server starts with no problems. I can 
successfully upload an image but when I try to start it I get the issue 
in topic.

I also downloaded vmcontext.sh 18-05-2011 release from 
dev.opennebula.org and copied it in /etc/init.d but when I run 
"update-rc.d vmcontext.sh start 01 S" I get "warning: vmcontext.sh start 
runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (S)". 
But I think this is unrelated.

front-end and host configuration files (which are exactly the same) are 
attached as one_conf.tar.gz. Asterisk * marks the files/folders missing 
on the host. I have:

* /etc/one
* /etc/one/oned.conf
* /etc/one/im_kvm which is empty on the front-end
* /etc/one/vmm_exec/vmm_exec_kvm.conf
* /usr/lib/one/mads
* /var/lib/one/remotes

even setting the front-end machine as the host does not change anything, 
transfer ok then failure when starting.

I tried everything I could find by searching this problem around but 
nothing worked. I could really use your help here, any ideas?

Thank you,

have a nice day
Dr. Stefano Ghio - ENG Engineering Italy

Website: http://groglogs.blogspot.com/

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