[one-users] sunstone and vnc display

Antonio Messina amessina at ictp.it
Tue Dec 6 01:51:30 PST 2011

Dear all,

I'm testing opennebula 3.0.0 on a debian squeeze (packages took from 
the website). I can make it work reasonable well, but I have some 
troubles with the display.

In my setup I cannot connect to the worker nodes directly, so I have 
to pass through the novnc stuff of the sunstone web interface. 
However, the display is quite small, sometimes it mess up with keys, 
the mouse cursors is unreliable at all and it's almost impossible to 
send special keys (like ctrl-alt-f1) without the client operating 
system intercepting them.

Is there any way to fix this?


Antonio Messina
I.T. Specialist

email: amessina at ictp.it      |  The Abdus Salam ICTP
phone: +39 040-2240-691      |  Strada Costiera, 11
fax:   +39 040-2240-7691     |  34151 Trieste, Italy

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