[one-users] Opennebula 2.2.1 Failed to create database tables

Max Hennig maximilianrh at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 25 17:31:37 PDT 2011


I have installed Opennebula 2.2.1 from source with MySQL support. On the
first start, while trying to create the corresponding database tables,
it goes wrong. oned.log shows:

Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][I]: Bootstraping OpenNebula database.
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: CREATE TABLE IF NOT
EXISTS host_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,host_name VARCHAR(256), state
INTEGER,im_mad VARCHAR(128),vm_mad VARCHAR(128),tm_mad
VARCHAR(128),last_mon_time INTEGER, cluster VARCHAR(128), template TEXT,
UNIQUE(host_name)), error 1071 : Specified key was too long; max key
length is 767 bytes
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: CREATE TABLE IF NOT
EXISTS network_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, uid INTEGER, name
VARCHAR(256), type INTEGER, bridge TEXT, public INTEGER, template TEXT,
UNIQUE(name)), error 1071 : Specified key was too long; max key length
is 767 bytes
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: CREATE TABLE IF NOT
EXISTS user_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256),
password TEXT,enabled INTEGER, UNIQUE(user_name)), error 1071 :
Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: SELECT MAX(oid) FROM
host_pool, error 1146 : Table 'opennebula.host_pool' doesn't exist
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: SELECT MAX(oid) FROM
network_pool, error 1146 : Table 'opennebula.network_pool' doesn't exist
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: SELECT MAX(oid) FROM
user_pool, error 1146 : Table 'opennebula.user_pool' doesn't exist
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: SELECT oid,user_name
FROM user_pool, error 1146 : Table 'opennebula.user_pool' doesn't exist
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: INSERT INTO
user_pool (oid,user_name,password,enabled) VALUES
(0,'oneadmin','26fb5ccdf40100814ce73175d3df62f0c4cbb819',1), error 1146
: Table 'opennebula.user_pool' doesn't exist
Fri Aug 26 02:24:39 2011 [ONE][E]:

It looks like opennebula tries to create the table using UTF-8 charset
(where one char could be representet by up to 6 bytes) together with
innodb tables (standard table engine in newer MySQL servers, having the
restriction to 767 bytes while MyIsam tables seem to be limited to 1000

As far as I've seen there was a bug connected to this in earlier
versions (http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/308) and it seems this had
returned. Is there a workaround for this?



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