[one-users] [one-ecosystem] error in occi-storage

Daniel Molina dmolina at opennebula.org
Wed Aug 24 06:38:24 PDT 2011


On 18 August 2011 06:50, Pratick Chokhani <pratick.chokhani at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I have installed opennebual with xen in my system. While installation, in
> 'scons' command I have not supplied any arguments related to sqlite or mysql
> database. My opennebula in working fine but when I try to create image in
> occi-storage it gives the following error:
> [ImageAllocate] Error trying to CREATE IMAGE Error inserting Image in DB.
> In oned.cong file,  "BACKEND = sqlite." but no database name in provided. I
> even try to create a database and supplied the name but still its the same.
> In the oned.log file, it gives the following error:
> SQL command was: INSERT INTO image_pool (oid, uid, name, type, public,
> persistent, regtime, source, state, running_vms, template) VALUES
> (1,0,'Fedora14',0,0,0,1313642125,'/var/lib/one//images/ad4080547eb9ff0af6921ab19847b1c2d7b988c6',3,0,'<TEMPLATE><DESCRIPTION><![CDATA[Fedora
> 14]]></DESCRIPTION><DEV_PREFIX><![CDATA[hd]]></DEV_PREFIX><NAME><![CDATA[Fedora14]]></NAME><PATH><![CDATA[/tmp/RackMultipart.2411.0]]></PATH><TYPE><![CDATA[OS]]></TYPE></TEMPLATE>'),
> error: column name is not unique

The problem is that the name that you are trying to use is already
taken by another image. Try changing the name.

> Please help, I am in deep trouble.
> Thank You
> Pratick Chokhani


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Daniel Molina, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
Major Contributor
OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
www.OpenNebula.org | dmolina at opennebula.org

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