[one-users] Error creating VM: Error: [VirtualMachineAllocate] Error trying to CREATE VM Can not insert VM in the database.

Stephan Eberle steviee at me.com
Mon Aug 22 03:28:34 PDT 2011


I'm currently trying to add a pre-existing qemu-image to my newly installed ONE service via

onevm create ./vs-svn-serv.tpl

and I'm getting this message:

Error: [VirtualMachineAllocate] Error trying to CREATE VM Can not insert VM in the database.

Is this due to some missing arguments in the template? What's the cause?

Thank's in advance,

PS: My template looks like this:

# VM definition example

NAME = "vs-svn-serv-1"

CPU    = 0.8
MEMORY = 512

# --- disks ---

DISK = [
  source   = "/home/images/vs-svn-serv.img",
  target   = "hda",
  driver   = "raw",
  readonly = "no" ]

# --- 1 NIC ---

NIC = [ NETWORK="external"]

FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]

# --- VNC server ---

  type    = "vnc",
  listen  = "xx.xx.xx.xx",
  port    = "5902"]

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