[one-users] Cannot use VNC to connect to running Vms

GIANG NGUYENVAN mvnli_giang at yahoo.com
Fri May 28 01:59:49 PDT 2010

I am deploying a system like that: A front-end computer, which uses Ubuntu 9.10, has OpenNebula installed in; and some Cluster nodes, which use Ubuntu and KVM hypervisor.
Everything seems perfect, untill I deploy the VMs after submit the template. It's STATE is Running, but I cannnot do anything to interract to those Vms (like ssh, or virsh console...) 
Another problem is that I have set up a VNC server on The Cluster node, which is the node that i deployed the VM in, and in the Vm template I have defined the Graphic output to listen on that Node.
Here is the Vm template I used:

NAME = WindowsXP
MEMORY = 512
CPU    = 0.2

OS = [ boot="cdrom"]

DISK   = [
  source   = "/srv/cloud/win/WindowsXP.img",
  target   = "hda",
  readonly = "no",
  save = "yes" ]
DISK = [
  clone = "no",
  type = "cdrom",
  source = "/srv/cloud/win/WindowsXP.iso",
  target = "hdb" ]

NIC    = [ NETWORK = "Small network 2" ]

GRAPHIC = [type="vnc", listen="", port="5938"]

I use "" to force the VM to listen on all vncserver. I have installed a VNC server on the Cluster node, and I think I can use VNC Viewer to see something in the Vm, but It always say "Connection refuse" when I tried to. I am was really confused.
Would anyone help me please. Thanks you for reading this.

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