[one-users] hi

Samuel Rodriguez samuelrh at infomed.sld.cu
Tue May 18 09:18:29 PDT 2010

After studying the proposals of free and open source software to deploy a
cloud computing infrastructure decided that the most interesting so far is
that offered OpenNebula.

I installed a server OpenNebula 1.4 on Ubuntu Server 9.10 and two nodes with
the same OS and the hypervisor VMWare Server 2.0.2 and am using an NFS
server as shared storage.

I want to know if I can make the information saved virtual machine (the disc
information) automatically, ie without stopping the VMs and copy them in
another location. Can you help on this?

Also I do not know how it works exactly the fault tolerance. How does the
system detect a fault and recover automatically?

Could I be made redundant the front-end?


I am very excited about this new project. Could you please make me your
opinions as quickly as possible.


Thank you very much for everything.




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Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/
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