[one-users] Contextualization VM during deployment

igmph1 at gmail.com igmph1 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 08:14:00 PDT 2010


I have problem with customizing to the VM during deployment. I use
CONTEXT variable.

I need set the hostname and IP address for the each VM.

The VM's template:

-----------------------------------   Start Template
#NAME   = ubuntu
CPU    = 1
MEMORY = 512

OS      = [ BOOT   = hd ]

DISK   = [
  source   = "/storage/templates/ibob_ubuntu/disk2.qcow2",
  target   = "sda",
  readonly = "no" ]

DISK   = [
  source   = "/storage/templates/ibob_ubuntu/disk1.qcow2",
  target   = "sdb",
  readonly = "no" ]

DISK = [
        type   = swap,
        size   = 2048,
        target = sdb]

  hostname  = "$NAME",
  ip_public = "$NIC[IP, NETWORK=\"wan01\"]",
  files     = "/storage/templates/vms_configuration/init.sh"

NIC    = [ NETWORK="wan01"]

GRAPHICS = [type="vnc",listen="",port="-1"]

INPUT    = [ type = "tablet" ]
---------------------------------------End Template

-------------------------------------- Error in oned.log
Thu Jun 24 16:39:58 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 72
tm_mkswap.sh: Initializing swap space

Thu Jun 24 16:39:58 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 72
tm_mkswap.sh: Executed "/sbin/mkswap /var/lib/one/72/images/disk.2".

Thu Jun 24 16:39:58 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 72
tm_mkswap.sh: Executed "chmod a+w /var/lib/one/72/images/disk.2".

Thu Jun 24 16:39:58 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 72 COMMAND
not found: CONTEXT /var/lib/one/72/context.sh

Thu Jun 24 16:39:58 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: TRANSFER FAILURE
72 COMMAND not found: CONTEXT /var/lib/one/72/context.sh

Thu Jun 24 16:39:59 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 72
tm_delete.sh: Deleting /var/lib/one/72/images

Thu Jun 24 16:39:59 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 72
tm_delete.sh: Executed "rm -rf /var/lib/one/72/images".

-------------------------------------- End

cat /var/lib/one/72/context.sh

# Context variables generated by OpenNebula

----------------------------------- end

cat /storage/templates/vms_configuration/init.sh


if [ -f /mnt/context.sh ]
  . /mnt/context.sh

hostname $HOSTNAME
ifconfig eth0 $IP_PUBLIC

---------------------------------- end
IP_PUBLIC is correct IP address.

If anyone solved this problem, please send steps how to fix it.


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