[one-users] VNC mouse pointer problem

Luca Lorenzini lorenzini.luca at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 08:34:46 PDT 2010

hi I've a problem when i connect to a vm using vnc: the keyboard works fine
but the mouse is frozen in the middle of the log-in screen (The onHover tips
on the users name appears, but i cant move the pointer or click). I tried
adding both INPUT = [ type = "tablet", bus = "usb" ] and INPUT = [ type =
"mouse", bus = "usb" ] but without success.

Here, my VM template with a ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386 working image. (It's a
fresh installation)

|    VM template      |

NAME   = ubuntu-desk
MEMORY = 1024

OS = [

DISK = [
  source = "/home/luca/images/empty-desk4GB.img",
  target   = "sda",
  readonly = "no",
  clone = "no"

INPUT = [ type = "tablet", bus = "usb" ]

GRAPHICS = [TYPE = "vnc", LISTEN = "localhost", PORT = 5911]
NIC    = [ NETWORK = "private" ]

FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]


If u need others config file to solve this problem, just ask.


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