[one-users] VM status unknown

Richard Redweik richard.redweik at uni-muenster.de
Tue Jan 26 05:07:49 PST 2010

Dear list,

we are trying to get OpenNebula running.
We are using OpenNebula 1.4 and as front-end as well as one-node CentOS 5.4.
As hypervisor we are using Xen.

Now to the problem:
When we want to run a virtual machine (with "onevm create"), first the vm gets
the status "running". But after a short time (~30 - 60 seconds) it gets into
the status "unknown".

Does someone know what is going wrong?

A snippet with an exception from the xen log is like follows:
[2010-01-26 13:00:55 xend.XendDomainInfo 6618] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631)
Checking for duplicate for uname: /srv/cloud/one/var//19/images/disk.1
[tap:aio:/srv/cloud/one/var//19/images/disk.1], dev: sdb, mode: w
[2010-01-26 13:00:55 xend 6618] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device
number for sdb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sdb'
[2010-01-26 13:00:55 xend 6618] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device
number for sdb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sdb'
[2010-01-26 13:00:55 xend 6618] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device
number for sdb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sdb'

And the vm.template:
NAME   = worker2

CPU    = 0.5

MEMORY = 128

OS     = [

        kernel   = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5xen",

        root     = "sda1" ]

DISK   = [

       source   = "/srv/cloud/image/domains/worker2/disk.img",

       target   = "sda",

       readonly = "no" ]

DISK   = [

       type     = "swap",

       size     = 512,

       target   = "sdb"]

NIC    = [ NETWORK = "52n" ]

Thanks in advance,

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