[one-users] Can´t start VMware ESX 3.5 with OpenNebula

Javi Gironda Diaz javigironda at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 9 07:55:12 PST 2010

Thank you for the response.

But the execution of $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads/one_im_vmware don´t reports any problem, it's executed succesfull.

The content of $ONE_LOCATION/etc/oned.conf is:

#                       OpenNebula Configuration file

# Daemon configuration attributes
#  HOST_MONITORING_INTERVAL: Time in seconds between host monitorization
#  VM_POLLING_INTERVAL: Time in seconds between virtual machine monitorization
#  VM_DIR: Remote path to store the VM images, it should be shared between all
#  the cluster nodes to perform live migrations. This variable is the default
#  for all the hosts in the cluster.
#  PORT: Port where oned will listen for xmlrpc calls.






# Physical Networks configuration
#  NETWORK_SIZE: Here you can define the default size for the virtual networks
#  MAC_PREFIX: Default MAC prefix to be used to create the auto-generated MAC
#  addresses is defined here (this can be overrided by the Virtual Network
#  template)


MAC_PREFIX   = "00:03"

# Information Driver Configuration
# You can add more information managers with different configurations but make
# sure it has different names.
#   name      : name for this information manager
#   executable: path of the information driver executable, can be an
#               absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
#               /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
#   arguments : for the driver executable, usually a probe configuration file,
#               can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or
#               /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)

#IM_MAD = [
#    name       = "im_xen",
#    executable = "one_im_ssh",
#    arguments  = "im_xen/im_xen.conf" ]

#  VMWare Information Driver Manager sample configuration
  IM_MAD = [
      name       = "im_vmware",
      executable = "one_im_vmware",
      arguments  = "--username root --password 123456"]

#  KVM Information Driver Manager sample configuration
#IM_MAD = [
#      name       = "im_kvm",
#      executable = "one_im_ssh",
#      arguments  = "im_kvm/im_kvm.conf" ]

#  EC2 Information Driver Manager sample configuration
#IM_MAD = [
#      name       = "im_ec2",
#      executable = "one_im_ec2",
#      arguments  = "im_ec2/im_ec2.conf" ]

# Virtualization Driver Configuration
# You can add more virtualization managers with different configurations but
# make sure it has different names.
#   name      : name of the virtual machine manager driver
#   executable: path of the virtualization driver executable, can be an
#               absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
#               /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
#   arguments : for the driver executable
#   default   : default values and configuration parameters for the driver, can
#               be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or
#               /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
#   type      : driver type, supported drivers: xen, kvm, xml

#VM_MAD = [
#    name       = "vmm_xen",
#    executable = "one_vmm_xen",
#    default    = "vmm_xen/vmm_xen.conf",
#    type       = "xen" ]

#  KVM Virtualization Driver Manager sample configuration
#VM_MAD = [
#    name       = "vmm_kvm",
#    executable = "one_vmm_kvm",
#    default    = "vmm_kvm/vmm_kvm.conf",
#    type       = "kvm" ]

#  VMWare Virtualization Driver Manager sample configuration
   VM_MAD = [
      name       = "vmm_vmware",
      executable = "one_vmm_vmware",
      arguments  = "--username root --password 123456",
      type       = "xml" ]

#  EC2 Virtualization Driver Manager sample configuration
#    arguments: default values for the EC2 driver, can be an absolute path or
#               relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was
#               installed in /).
#VM_MAD = [
#    name       = "vmm_ec2",
#    executable = "one_vmm_ec2",
#    arguments  = "vmm_ec2/vmm_ec2.conf",
#    type       = "xml" ]

# Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
# You can add more transfer managers with different configurations but make
# sure it has different names.
#   name      : name for this transfer driver
#   executable: path of the transfer driver executable, can be an
#               absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
#               /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
#   arguments : for the driver executable, usually a commands configuration file
#               , can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or
#               /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)

#TM_MAD = [
#    name       = "tm_ssh",
#    executable = "one_tm",
#    arguments  = "tm_ssh/tm_ssh.conf" ]

# NFS Transfer Manager Driver sample configuration
TM_MAD = [
#    name       = "tm_nfs",
#    executable = "one_tm",
#    arguments  = "tm_nfs/tm_nfs.conf" ]

#  VMWare Transfer Driver Manager sample configuration
TM_MAD = [
    name       = "tm_vmware",
    executable = "one_tm",
    arguments  = "tm_vmware/tm_vmware.conf" ]

# Dummy Transfer Manager Driver sample configuration
#TM_MAD = [
#    name       = "tm_dummy",
#    executable = "one_tm",
#    arguments  = "tm_dummy/tm_dummy.conf" ]

# LVM Transfer Manager Driver sample configuration
#TM_MAD = [
#    name       = "tm_lvm",
#    executable = "one_tm",
#    arguments  = "tm_lvm/tm_lvm.conf" ]

# Hook Manager Configuration
# The Driver (HM_MAD), used to execute the Hooks
#   executable: path of the hook driver executable, can be an
#               absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
#               /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
#   arguments : for the driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative
#               to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed
#               in /)
# Virtual Machine Hooks (VM_HOOK) defined by:
#   name      : for the hook, useful to track the hook (OPTIONAL)
#   on        : when the hook should be executed,
#               - CREATE, when the VM is created (onevm create)
#               - RUNNING, after the VM is successfully booted
#               - SHUTDOWN, after the VM is shutdown
#               - STOP, after the VM is stopped (including VM image transfers)
#               - DONE, after the VM is deleted or shutdown
#   command   : use absolute path here
#   arguments : for the hook. You can access to VM template variables with $
#               - $ATTR, the value of an attribute e.g. $NAME or $VMID
#               - $ATTR[VAR], the value of a vector e.g. $NIC[MAC]
#               - $ATTR[VAR, COND], same of previous but COND select between
#                 multiple ATTRs e.g. $NIC[MAC, NETWORK="Public"]
#   remote    : values,
#               - YES, The hook is executed in the host where the VM was
#                 allocated
#               - NO, The hook is executed in the OpenNebula server (default)

HM_MAD = [
    executable = "one_hm" ]

#-------------------------------- Hook Examples --------------------------------
#VM_HOOK = [
#    name      = "dhcp",
#    on        = "create",
#    command   = "/bin/echo",
#    arguments = "$NAME > /tmp/test.$VMID" ]
#VM_HOOK = [
#    name      = "ebtables",
#    on        = "running",
#    command   = "/usr/local/one/bin/set_net",
#    arguments = '$NIC[MAC, Network = "Private"]',
#    remote    = "yes" ]
#VM_HOOK = [
#    name      = "mail",
#    on        = "running",
#    command   = "/usr/local/one/bin/send_mail",
#    arguments = "$VMID $NAME",
#    remote    = "no" ]

I can´t find the problem.


> Hi Javier,
> It seems that OpenNebula is failing to load the im_vmware driver.
> Try executing it by hand ($ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads/one_im_vmware), does it fail?
> If that doesn't give hints on what is going wrong, could you send
> through the $ONE_LOCATION/etc/oned.conf file, and the
> $ONE_LOCATION/var/oned.log?
> Regards,
> -Tino
> --
> Constantino Vázquez, Grid & Virtualization Technology
> Engineer/Researcher: http://www.dsa-research.org/tinova
> DSA Research Group: http://dsa-research.org
> Globus GridWay Metascheduler: http://www.GridWay.org
> OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine: http://www.OpenNebula.org
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Javi Gironda Diaz
> <javigironda at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> >
> > I installed OpenNebula in a CentOS 5.2, which is a virtual machine created
> > with VMware Wrokstation.
> > I also have a properly installed and running ESX 3.5, which also is a VMware
> > Workstation virtual machine.
> >
> > My problem occurs when I try to add that host to be managed by OpenNebula on
> > CentOS virtual machine.
> >
> > I have obtained the certificate vmware.keystore "from arhcivo" rui.crt "ESX
> > host.
> >
> > I have followed all the steps in the guide:
> > http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.4:vmwareg
> >
> > To create the host I used the command:
> >
> > ESX-nebula onehost add im_vmware vmm_vmware tm_ssh
> >
> > But I must be doing something wrong, because the show host information I get
> > the following:
> >
> > HOST 7 Information
> > ID: 7
> > NAME: ESX-nebula
> > IM_MAD: im_vmware
> > VM_MAD: vmm_vmware
> > TM_MAD: tm_ssh
> >
> > MAX MEM: 0
> > USED MEM (REAL): 0
> > MAX CPU: 0
> > USED CPU (REAL): 0
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------
> >
> > The output of the log "oned.log" is payable are:
> >
> >
> > Tue Feb 9 15:09:57 2010 [REM] [D]: hostInfo method invoked
> > Tue Feb 9 15:10:08 2010 [INM] [I]: Monitoring ESX host-nebula (7)
> > Tue Feb 9 15:10:08 2010 [INM] [E]: Could not find driver information
> > im_vmware
> > Tue Feb 9 15:11:03 2010 [INM] [I]: Monitoring ESX host-nebula (7)
> > Tue Feb 9 15:11:03 2010 [INM] [E]: Could not find driver information
> > im_vmware
> > Tue Feb 9 15:11:57 2010 [INM] [I]: Monitoring ESX host-nebula (7)
> > Tue Feb 9 15:11:57 2010 [INM] [E]: Could not find driver information
> > im_vmware
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------
> >
> > I can´t advanced as they do not know which is the problem.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > A greeting.
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> > Users mailing list
> > Users at lists.opennebula.org
> > http://lists.opennebula.org/listinfo.cgi/users-opennebula.org
> >
> >
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